


Matia initiates a selection process for its Otezuri Center in Zumaia


6 people will be hired for cleaning work at the center. The process will be carried out internally and externally and will value the applications of people from the Urola Kosta area.   Matia starts a selection process to cover the need for cleaning staff in its Otezuri center.  With this process Matia bets for the direct hiring of people to carry out the cleaning tasks. It is intended to cover 6 POSITIONS OF CLEANER in...

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Matia initiates a selection process for its Elizaran Center in Donostia


In order to fill a temporary position as a SOCIAL INTEGRATION professional at 85% (70% permanent + 15% availability) of working hours at the ELIZARAN center, a selection process will be initiated. The required professional profile is as follows: - Medium degree in Social Integration. - Basque (spoken and written) - Previous experience in functional diversity. Competence requirements and necessary values: Social skills, teamwork...

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Matia participates in the AIRSAFE project: Indoor Air Quality Solutions 4.0


New technological solutions for optimising indoor air quality and minimising airborne transmission of pathogens. Environmental factors account for 23% of deaths (12.6 million people). SARS-Cov-2 has shown the importance of adequate monitoring, ventilation and air conditioning systems to ensure the safety of people indoors.  Bilbao, 22nd November of 2021. Clean air is essential for our health, as well as...

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Matia renews its commitment to improvement


We have renewed our commitment to quality and occupational safety and health in response to our purpose

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#100fluencers: a campaign promoting digital equity for all ages


Is the right to digital equity a reality for the elderly?    On Friday, October 1, the "International Day of Older Persons" is celebrated under the theme "Digital equity for all ages". Matia, through #100Fluencers, (www.100fluencers.eus), prioritizes addressing digital equity for seniors to facilitate access and meaningful participation in the digital world. To date, entities such as Guuk, Air Liquide HealthCare, Wetak,...

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#SoyMayorSoyCoyComoTú: A campaign to recognize our own ageism and eliminate stereotypes about old age.


● Through an ageism calculator, a series of testimonials from older people and a manifesto, the #SoyMayorSoyComoTú campaign invites all citizens to reflect on discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices towards older people.  ● According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 2 people have ageist behaviors towards older people.  On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated on October 1, Grandes...

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