

31 March 2014
A second qualitative study based on the same techniques and derived from the previous one and which we told you about in the post "Growing old at...
24 February 2014
At the beginning of 2010, Matia Instituto Gerontológico launched a study aimed at gathering the opinion and observing the attitudes and perceptions...
17 February 2014
It seems that the entries in this health blog persistently revolve around pathologies related to cardiovascular risk and particularly high blood...
17 January 2014
To provide a person-centred model of care it is essential to know the tastes, preferences and values of the people we serve, as well as their life...
07 January 2014
In a few lines I will try to explain the Etxean Ondo project, its development in homes and more specifically its implementation in Cuadrilla de Añana...
30 December 2013
Care... the essence of nursing. When we speak of caring, nurses do so with a holistic vision of the person, guaranteeing the physical, psychological...
05 December 2013
It's hard to know where to begin to describe what my colleagues and I have experienced during these past two years at Rezola. We will start by saying...
22 November 2013
In the Person-Centred Care Model, we psychologists intervene mainly in two interdependent fields of action: the first is with the elderly to whom we...
15 November 2013
The transformation from medical and care models to people-centred ones will only be possible if the change is perceived by the recipients as useful...
26 July 2013
Derived from the implementation of the person-centred care model, thanks to the participation in the Etxean Ondo Project (*), from Matia Fundazioa's...
