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Ilustración informe Bakardadeak
21 August 2020
A few weeks ago, in this same blog, we reflected on a complex and nuanced phenomenon such as "loneliness", raising some questions that led us to...
Pareja de personas mayores sentadas y cogidas de la mano
13 August 2020
I’m writing these words from the Isle of Skye where I arrived yesterday to visit family for the weekend. Every time I come to Skye I have a sense of...
Mujer mayor acaricia a un perro
06 August 2020
From its origins, the human being has been shown to have a strong bond with nature and in particular with animals, a relationship that over time has...
Cartel anunciador en medio de un campo con el mensaje: "habla"
19 May 2020
Loneliness is one of the great current issues, both from an academic and a social point of view. We are talking about a phenomenon that, in recent...
Una mujer mayor conversa con una mujer joven en su domicilio
27 April 2020
As the days go by, the threat baptized by the WHO as "Covid-19" has taken on dimensions that we would have found difficult to imagine, especially...