

02 June 2022
On 1 April 2020, a diverse group of professionals, associations of elderly people and people with functional diversity, users and family members...
Taza en el alfeizar de una ventana
06 September 2021
On this occasion we bring you closer to a common situation in dementias such as the loss of the sensation of being thirsty. We do it with a double...
Mujer mayor acaricia a un perro
06 August 2020
From its origins, the human being has been shown to have a strong bond with nature and in particular with animals, a relationship that over time has...
Mujer mayor plantando unas flores
09 July 2020
It would be the beginning of this century when, from the Memory Unit of Matia, we wondered what we could do to improve intervention with people who...
11 August 2014
Today's entry is a post to thank all our volunteers. People who decide to dedicate part of their personal space and time in a supportive way. We...